Welcome to KB’s Old School Reviews where a review of King of the Ring 2002 reveals lackluster anticipation for a triple main event featuring Hulk Hogan vs. Kurt Angle, HHH vs. Undertaker, and the tournament final.

By the Numbers
  • Attendance: 14,198
  • Number of matches reviewed: Over 5,000
Yes, But

The matches, except for the women's bout, lacked energy despite the talent involved, resulting in a show that felt lackluster and uninspired.

State of Play
  • Focus on the lackluster energy throughout the event
  • Most matches, bar the women's match, failed to engage the audience
  • The show seemed to be a placeholder before the next big event
Bottom Line

The lack of energy and engagement in the matches at King of the Ring 2002 results in a show that feels uninspired and merely a prelude to upcoming events, failing to live up to the potential of the talent involved.