In a break from the original plan, a list of the top 50 football players in the University of Florida's history is being revealed, starting with numbers 50 to 41, based on the author's personal viewing experience and input from colleagues.

By the Numbers
  • Malcolm Emmons was named to the Team of the Century in 1999 in Gainesville.
  • Larry Smith led Florida in rushing for three years from 1966-68 and led the SEC in rushing during Steve Spurrier's Heisman year.
Yes, But

The selection process was challenging, leading to difficult decisions and some notable exclusions from the list.

State of Play
  • Revealing the top 50 players in the history of the University of Florida football team.
  • Players are being unveiled 10 at a time, starting from number 50.
What's Next

Future releases will continue to reveal more top players from the University of Florida's football history.

Bottom Line

A curated list of the top 50 players in the University of Florida’s football history is being gradually unveiled, sparking nostalgia and discussions among fans while celebrating the legacy of these remarkable athletes.