Damian Lillard joins the conversation on the greatest shooters in NBA history, sharing his opinions on Instagram and including himself in the list alongside Stephen Curry, Ray Allen, and Reggie Miller.

By the Numbers
  • Damian Lillard included in the list of the "4 greatest shooters in NBA history" on Instagram.
  • Stephen Curry and Ray Allen are the top two 3-point scoring leaders in NBA history.
Yes, But

Despite Lillard's self-inclusion in the list, notable shooters like James Harden and Klay Thompson were snubbed, along with efficient players like Kyle Korver and JJ Redick.

State of Play
  • Damian Lillard recognizes Stephen Curry as the greatest shooter, while positioning himself as the second greatest.
  • Lillard has not always received the same level of respect as other top shooters like Curry, Klay, and Harden.
What's Next

Lillard's confidence in his shooting abilities may lead to further discussions and comparisons with other top shooters in the league.

Bottom Line

Amidst the debate on the greatest NBA shooters, Damian Lillard confidently includes himself in the conversation, emphasizing his shooting prowess and challenging perceptions of his place among the top sharpshooters in the league.