Brian Daboll acknowledges Daniel Jones' rehab progress but refrains from confirming a timeline for his return, hinting at uncertainties for the Giants' starting QB.

By the Numbers
  • 2024 is pivotal for Jones to prove himself as an NFL franchise quarterback.
  • Giants' WR corps poses a challenge for Jones, not aligning with his passing strengths.
Yes, But

The mismatch between Jones and his receivers may hinder his success, with the team potentially facing a reset at head coach and quarterback in the near future.

State of Play
  • Brian Daboll pleased with Jones' recovery but cautious about his full readiness for training camp.
  • Daboll's comments contrast with Jones' optimism about playing in Week 1 against the Vikings.
What's Next

Jones's performance in the upcoming season will be crucial in determining his future with the Giants amid uncertainties surrounding his fit with the team's receiving corps.

Bottom Line

Daniel Jones faces a critical season, with his success hinging on overcoming challenges posed by the Giants' WR corps and delivering on the expectations tied to his contract.