Jordan Hill, a former Seattle Seahawks' defensive tackle and Super Bowl champion, is returning to Penn State as the director of life skills. Hill, who had a promising career cut short by injuries, played four years in the NFL before retiring and winning a Super Bowl ring in his rookie season. This move marks a significant return to his alma mater after working as a high school head coach.

By the Numbers
  • Hill had 5.5 sacks in the 2014 season.
  • He made a pivotal interception in Week 17 against the St. Louis Rams.
Yes, But

Hill faced career-altering injuries that left the football world wondering about his potential impact, especially given his standout moments on the field.

State of Play
  • Hill's return to Penn State as director of life skills marks a new position within the program.
  • His appointment showcases a full-circle moment as he aims to guide young football players at his alma mater.
What's Next

As Hill takes on this new role, the future holds opportunities for him to make a lasting impact on the Penn State football program and its players, leveraging his NFL experience and personal journey.

Bottom Line

Jordan Hill's transition to the role of director of life skills at Penn State signifies a poignant return to his college roots, offering a chance for him to shape the next generation of athletes while giving back to the institution that played a significant role in his career.