Resurrection Christian's baseball team heads into the 3A tournament's final weekend with confidence, eyeing a historic state championship win by defeating defending champion Eaton.

By the Numbers
  • RCS needs to win four games, including two against Eaton, and has a 23-5 record.
  • They face Coal Ridge (25-3) and University (23-5) before a potential matchup against No. 1 Reds (27-0).
Yes, But

The path to the championship is challenging, requiring consecutive wins against tough opponents.

State of Play
  • RCS relies on a strong pitching roster with key players like Corrigan, Green, and Riggs.
  • The team emphasizes a one-game-at-a-time approach and staying loose while aiming for their first championship this season.
What's Next

If RCS maintains their momentum and pitching depth, they have a strong chance of making a successful run in the tournament.

Bottom Line

Resurrection Christian's baseball team is poised for a challenging but potentially rewarding weekend as they strive for a historic state championship win, backed by a solid pitching lineup and a focused, one-game-at-a-time approach.