Former Phillies World Series champion Brad Lidge embarks on a second act as a professional archeologist, exploring Etruscan tombs and Roman artifacts in Italy.

By the Numbers
  • Brad Lidge, 47, retired with a perfect 48 for 48 in save chances during the 2008 MLB season.
  • Lidge earned a master's degree from the University of Leicester and plans to pursue a doctorate in archeology.
Yes, But

Some may find it unusual that a former MLB star would transition to archeology, but Lidge's passion and curiosity drive his new career path.

State of Play
  • Brad Lidge is currently preparing for a month-long exploration of an Etruscan site in Tuscany, led by Dr. Anthony Tuck.
  • Lidge's transition from baseball to archeology has garnered positive responses from his former teammates and colleagues.
What's Next

Lidge will continue his archeological pursuits, working on unraveling the mystery of Etruscan symbols, aiming to further contribute to the field of ancient history.

Bottom Line

Brad Lidge's remarkable journey from baseball stardom to archeological exploration showcases the importance of personal growth and pursuing newfound passions beyond traditional career trajectories, inspiring others to embrace continuous learning and exploration.