Nebraska's Corn Nation staff discusses the state of Cornhusker athletics, highlighting the improvements expected in year 2 under Coach Matt Rhule.

By the Numbers
  • The three quarterbacks combined for 16 interceptions and 10 touchdown passes in 2023.
  • Nebraska is aiming for immediate improvement at the quarterback position for a successful season.
Yes, But

While the staff is optimistic about Coach Rhule, challenges like turnover limitations and starting a true freshman at quarterback remain.

State of Play
  • Nebraska is focused on getting more wins with improvements in offensive and defensive lines, special teams, and quarterback play.
  • Coach Rhule's honest approach and emphasis on physical football have impressed the staff and fans.
What's Next

Expectations include continued recruiting success under Coach Rhule, potential increases in wins, and the aspiration for a competitive football program.

Bottom Line

Nebraska fans are hopeful for a newfound success under Coach Rhule, emphasizing the need for on-field improvements and a winning culture.