Buffalo Bills coach Sean McDermott finds himself on the hot seat for the 2024 NFL season, as highlighted by CBS Sports ranking him among eight head coaches facing potential scrutiny. Despite a impressive record of 73-41 with the Bills, concerns linger over his 5-6 postseason performance. McDermott's tenure, marked by success in the regular season, is overshadowed by limited playoff success, leading to speculation about his future.

By the Numbers
  • Sean McDermott holds a record of 73-41 as the Buffalo Bills coach.
  • He has a postseason tally of 5-6 during his time with the team.
Yes, But

Despite McDermott's impressive regular-season success, his limited achievements in the playoffs have raised concerns about his long-term prospects as the Bills' head coach.

State of Play
  • CBS Sports ranks McDermott No. 8 among head coaches potentially on the hot seat for the upcoming season.
  • McDermott, known for his coaching success, faces scrutiny due to his team's playoff performance under his leadership.
What's Next

As McDermott approaches his eighth year with the Bills, the 2024 season will be crucial in determining the direction of his coaching career, especially with growing pressure and expectations.

Bottom Line

Sean McDermott's position on the hot seat underscores the challenging balance between regular-season success and playoff performance in defining a coach's legacy and future prospects.