Chicago Cubs prospect Pete Crow-Armstrong's offensive performance is under scrutiny despite his elite defense and baserunning skills. Criticisms of his bat being subpar are deemed premature and unjustified due to his limited playing time and age. While acknowledging his current offensive struggles, there is optimism for improvement given his youth and lack of experience at a higher level.

By the Numbers
  • Pete Crow-Armstrong is hitting .200 with a .570 OPS.
  • He has had 118 sporadic plate appearances this season at age 22.
  • 86.7 mph average exit velo, 3.8% barrel, 26.6% hard contact rate.
  • PCA has a 38.7% chase rate on breaking balls and a 51.2% chase rate overall.
Yes, But

While Crow-Armstrong's offensive struggles are acknowledged, his potential for growth and improvement due to his age and limited experience is emphasized.

State of Play
  • PCA's offensive capabilities are being questioned despite his strong defensive and baserunning skills.
  • There are concerns about his pitch recognition, contact quality, and ability to handle breaking balls.
  • His current performance is critiqued as lackluster, but his youth and learning curve are factors to consider.
What's Next

Pete Crow-Armstrong's offensive future remains uncertain, but there is optimism for improvement given his age and learning curve in professional baseball.

Bottom Line

Criticism of Pete Crow-Armstrong's offensive abilities is premature and unwarranted, considering his age, limited experience, and potential for growth in the sport.