Andrei Iosivas and Chase Brown impressed an NFL trainer with their offseason development, potentially setting the stage for a standout Year 2 with the Cincinnati Bengals.

By the Numbers
  • Lieberman praised Iosivas and Brown for making the fastest improvement he's seen in his 15-year NFL training program.
  • Iosivas had 4 touchdowns in his rookie season, showing promise for further growth.
State of Play
  • Offseason training with Drew Lieberman has elevated the skills of Iosivas and Brown for the upcoming season.
  • The Bengals are positioning themselves for an enhanced offensive attack in 2024.
What's Next

As anticipation builds for the 2024 season, the performance of Iosivas and Brown could be a key factor in the Bengals' success.

Bottom Line

The impressive development of Iosivas and Brown under Lieberman's guidance hints at a potential game-changing impact for the Cincinnati Bengals in the upcoming season.