Former Falcons Pro Bowler John Abraham alleges the Buccaneers engaged in nefarious tactics similar to Bountygate, with claims of attempting to injure him during a game. This mirrors the infamous scandal involving the New Orleans Saints in 2012.

By the Numbers
  • Bountygate scandal involved New Orleans Saints from 2009, resulting in fines, loss of draft pick, and suspensions.
  • John Abraham, former Falcons Pro Bowl defensive end, alleges Buccaneers tried to injure him in a 2012 game.
Yes, But

Donald Penn, the Buccaneers offensive tackle, has denied John Abraham's allegations of being instructed to harm opponents.

State of Play
  • Allegation resurfaces from a 2012 game between Falcons and Buccaneers, with minimal impact on the Falcons' season outcome.
  • John Abraham suffered an injury in that game but continued to play in subsequent playoff games.
What's Next

As the events occurred in the past, the likelihood of any significant repercussions or actions being taken is minimal, with the news expected to fade away over time.

Bottom Line

Allegations of misconduct by the Buccaneers add a new chapter to the Bountygate legacy, but with negligible impact on the Falcons' season, the incident is likely to subside without notable consequences.