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Meet Cape Henry fitness coach Phil Reichhoff
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Meet Cape Henry fitness coach Phil Reichhoff

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — Along with a large variety of group sports, Cape Henry Collegiate (CHC) offers additional sports conditioning classes to its middle and upper school student body. These classes, led by Coach Phil Reichhoff, are offered to all fitness levels, and are a great alternative to those students not participating in team sports and a vital complement for fitness maintenance during the off season for team sport athletes.

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How long have the classes been offered?

Phil Reichhoff: Cape Henry hired me before the 2020-2021 school year to build a formal strength and conditioning program. Over the last three years, we have added different groups for various levels. Currently, we offer an 8th grade Introduction to Fitness & Performance, a before school workout group (affectionately known as The Breakfast Club), 2-3 after school workout groups depending on the sport season, an Upper School Fitness & Performance elective, and consistent in-season sessions with all varsity athletic teams.

In the summer months we offer workout groups from 7am-3pm, Monday-Friday — three days of strength training and two days of speed, agility and conditioning.

What need did you/the school see that inspired the class?

Reichhoff: Student wellness is integrated into Cape Henry’s goals as a school. Our mission is to know, value and challenge each student, and that extends far beyond the classroom — even beyond graduation. Research shows that young people who consistently participate in age-appropriate physical activity will be more confident, more resilient and perform better academically.

My number one focus as I build the program is to even better prepare our graduates for success in life. The benefits of exercise, beyond just the physical, are countless.

Ultimately, we want to graduate students who have a love for physical activity, the knowledge to lead a healthy life and a lifelong passion for fitness. It is our belief that if you are healthy and happy, you will be better at whatever you choose to do.

I understand that some off-season athletes participate in the class, but tell me a bit about how this is a great option for those not participating in team sports.

Reichhoff: All of our workout groups are open to athletes and non-athletes. The vast majority of our sessions are not team-focused, which is one of the more unique and impactful elements for our program. For non-athletes, our workouts provide a place where they can still gain the benefits of being part of a team.

In the Preston Scot Creech Fitness Center, we have groups of all different ages and abilities, all working towards a common goal together. It is a place where we build confidence in ourselves but also in others. I really feel that some of the biggest impacts we have made are with the students who do not consider themselves athletes. I aim to help make them a better student, artist, performer, writer or whatever they choose to do.

What is the typical structure of the class?

Reichhoff: Students arrive and go through a foam rolling and stretching routine until the session starts. We then do a group warm up altogether that focuses on dynamic mobility, corrective exercise and coordination. Students then start on their assigned workout, which is accessed via the Teambuildr software on our rack-mounted iPads.

Currently we offer three different levels of programming. Similar to a traditional classroom, I design a vertically aligned and differentiated curriculum that meets each student’s needs. Our Level 1 program is a circuit style workout that teaches the basics in a more controlled environment. Level 2 students start to follow sets, reps, use our Teambuildr software and earn more autonomy. Finally, Level 3 is for our most advanced students who have demonstrated their physical ability and have the desire to maximize their abilities.

I prioritize exercises that are multi-joint, multi-directional and ground-based in nature. We pair strengthening exercises with core and mobility to get the most out of our time. During the school year, students are able to get most of their cardio needs outside of my sessions or with their sports teams. In the summer months, we run and do speed/agility development on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

What is the age range?

Reichhoff: I start working with students the summer after their 7th grade year. Ages range from 13-18 years old.

How does it apply to physical education requirements?

Reichhoff: We are in the process of evolving our physical education requirements, mainly due the evolution of our program. As a school, we’re very excited about what’s ahead for students.

What benefits have you witnessed in the participants?

Reichhoff: Following, are some quotes from students, who wrote letters to me after they were inducted into the National Honor Society. These were written in confidence, so I have not included names, but I think they are powerful and speak to the benefits we have seen:

“Over the years, you have helped me become stronger, more confident, and more active. You helped bring me out of my comfort zone by bringing me into the gym, and now it is all I want to do”

“No longer I am that shy kid who really would be scared of answering questions.”

“It’s weird to say that being in a controlled, yet so energetic environment has helped shape who I am and how I act…lifting weights in your weight room has made me not just stronger, but a way better person.”

“I know wherever I am in college, whatever I am doing, I will make sure to get a gym membership and workout to keep my body in good shape.”

“I am so much more confident and positive due to the hard work you helped me get into.”

“I was able to feel so much better about my body and much more proud.”

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