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Get to know Longmeadow hockey player Avery Ireland
Sister Jackie, brother Frankie, and Avery Ireland. (Courtesy: Ireland family)

Get to know Longmeadow hockey player Avery Ireland

LONDMEADOW, Mass. — Meet Longmeadow High School senior hockey player, Avery Ireland. People who follow local sports are already aware that Avery is a stellar hockey player. Let’s delve into what type of person she is on and off of the ice. Avery has always been an empathetic and unselfish person towards others. She was playing in a youth soccer game and collided with another player and they both fell to the ground. Avery was fine, but the other player was hurt. She stopped playing, sat down next to the other girl and comforted her until the coach came to get her.

Avery always wants the best for others. It could be passing the puck to other players who have not scored yet. What would be an easy shot for Avery, she will pass the puck and let her teammate score (when appropriate) so that they can experience the thrill of scoring. She keeps positive energy flowing around the bench making sure her teammates keep their heads up in tight situations. Avery’s whole demeanor is all about being positive and she guides others in that direction as best she can.

Tell us about your background in sports. 

Avery Ireland: I have been playing hockey since I was about four years old. I grew up in a hockey family where my dad and my brother played and I would always be watching my brothers games and it made me want to try it. I tried doing soccer, gymnastics, and lacrosse but none of them gave me the happy feeling like hockey did.

Describe the 2023-24 LHS hockey team.

Ireland: Playing hockey for Longmeadow High School is my favorite part of the school year because our team is a co-op team and we have girls from surrounding towns like East Longmeadow, Wilbraham, and Agawam and we don’t get to see each other during the school days so it is nice to connect with them at practice and team dinners.

Every player on our team brings so much to the team and we all push each other to be the best on and off the ice. Playing hockey for Longmeadow feels like we’re all one big family. Additionally, I love LHS because of the teachers and how accommodating they are and how they take the time to understand and connect with
the students.

What’s your next step after graduation?

Ireland: Over the summer I committed to Worcester State University to continue hockey. I am still undecided for what I will major in. After college I hope to find a job in the sports field specifically hockey and do a little bit of traveling.

What do you enjoy doing away from school and hockey?

Ireland: I enjoy hanging out with my friends and family and definitely relaxing.

Tell us about your family.

Ireland: My family is beyond supportive. I am so grateful to have the family that I have, I know that they will always be there for me and always want what is best for me. My family has given me the best life possible. My role model has always been my brother because I have grown up watching him and I admire his work ethic and his talent.

If you were given a million dollars and had to give it to one charity, which one would you choose and why?

Ireland: I would choose the Epilepsy Foundation because I have epilepsy and it’s not something that is talked about often and we need to bring more awareness to it to help find a cure.

When is the last time you danced?

Ireland: The last time I danced was probably in the locker room and I was definitely not good.

What is your favorite song and movie?

Ireland: My favorite song right now is probably any Zach Bryan song. My favorite movie? Miracle.

Coaches corner:

“Avery is the epitome of a team player and leader. She is vocal and encouraging on and off the ice and she leads by example and is always the hardest worker in both games and practices.” – Coach Melissa Vandermyn

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