Virginia High and John Marshall face off in the VHSL Class 2 boys basketball state title game, marking a rematch after 108 years, with John Marshall being the dominant force in the matchup.

The Big Picture

This rivalry reflects historical controversies and changing dynamics in high school basketball, showcasing a long-standing competitive event and the evolution of the sport's landscape.

By the Numbers
  • Virginia High claimed a state championship gold in 1916 with a 35-27 win over John Marshall.
  • John Marshall is ranked 14th nationally and holds a 24-3 record.
Yes, But

Historical discrepancies and controversies highlight the complexities of early high school basketball championships and the interpretations of outcomes.

State of Play
  • John Marshall is currently viewed as a dominating force in VHSL basketball, sparking debates on fairness and advantages in the league.
  • Other local teams like Wise County Central and Eastside also have significant basketball histories and recent successes in state championships.
What's Next

The outcome of the VHSL state finals will determine the new chapter in the historic rivalry between Virginia High and John Marshall, shaping future perceptions of dominance and sportsmanship in high school basketball.

Bottom Line

The VHSL Class 2 boys basketball state title game represents a blend of historical significance, contemporary competition, and ethical debates, encapsulating the essence of sportsmanship, resilience, and the evolving landscape of high school athletics.